
We Renew Our Quality Certifications, Guaranteeing the “Best Canned Seafood in the World”

One more year, we renew our different quality certifications and seals which ensure our products are the best canned seafood in the world. This year, we have renewed our IFS Food certification, a food security standard which is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) to audit companies that manufacture or package food products.

IFS Food

The International Featured Standards (IFS) are one of the most thorough food standards in the world, which strive to improve and guarantee food safety by evaluating food providers and their quality control systems according to common criteria

IFS uses commonly accepted auditing norms, and gives a firm and concrete answer to the high safety standards expected by customers. Its importance is a result of the growing demand from consumers, the greater responsibility of food manufacturers and distributors, the higher legal requirements and the globalization of food supplies. All of these factors make a quality standard that evaluates a common set of rules that must be followed in order to guarantee proper food safety.

For companies in the food sector, adopting quality and food safety standards such as IFS, result in many benefits or advantages, such as facilitating the monitorization of every step of production, ensuring the safety of the products.

These standards provide clients with a panoramic vision of the strengths and weaknesses of food providers through transparency, which also makes it easier to compare between them throughout the whole supply chain, something that improves consumers’ trust on the quality of the products.

Commitment to Quality

In our case, this is the sixth consecutive year in which we have renewed our IFS Food certification for our production plant and production process. Reinforcing our commitment to the application of the necessary control standards that meet legal requirements and guarantee the safety of our customers.

IFS Food is one of the many seals of quality or certifications that Real Conservera has, among which are SAE 2 -which verifies the correct compliance of the security and traceability of animal products, and animal healthcare, that are to be exported outside of the European Union-; the pescadeRías seal -which certifies that no more than 24 hours go by between the catch and the sale of the fish or seafoo-; or the CRAEGA -which guarantees that eco-friendly and bio character of the food products-.